female bartender

Common Problems for Bar Employees

Running a bar can be tough. Not only do you have to make sure the drinks are flowing and customers are happy, but you also need to keep an eye on your staff. Employee issues can cost you valuable time and money, so it’s important to be aware of the common problems in a bar environment. Here are some potential employee issues you should watch out for when running a bar:

Poor Time Keeping

One of the most common employee issues is poor timekeeping. Your employees must show up on time and be ready to work. If they don’t, it can lead to disruption in the workplace and fewer resources available if someone calls off last minute. To combat this problem, set up clear rules about punctuality and enforce them evenly across all employees.

You can do this by:

  • Creating a clear schedule for employees and sharing it with them ahead of time. This will allow them to plan their work schedules accordingly and reduce the likelihood of late or missing shifts altogether.
  • Encouraging accountability by holding regular check-ins with staff members and keeping track of attendance records. This will help you quickly identify and address any issues with timekeeping before they become larger problems.

Overall, these strategies can help you keep a tight rein on employee timekeeping, which will help ensure that your bar runs smoothly and efficiently.

Lack of Knowledge

Your staff must know how to do their job properly and efficiently – not just what they need to do, but how they should do it too. Make sure regular training sessions are held with all staff members present, so everyone knows what is expected from them and how best to perform their duties when serving customers at the bar or behind it.

You should also ensure you have a system for dealing with customer complaints, so your staff knows how to handle any issues that may arise. Whether it’s resolving a problem with the order they received or helping out an unhappy customer, your staff should be able to handle every situation calmly and professionally.

Unprofessional Behavior

Your bar staff needs to act professionally when dealing with customers, especially those who may be intoxicated or difficult to handle. You should clarify acceptable behavior in these situations so that employees know how to handle any possible conflict without resorting to inappropriate responses or language. Ensure there are consequences for unprofessional behavior so everyone knows this isn’t tolerated in the workplace!

Low Productivity/Motivation

Low productivity or motivation among employees can create problems for bars and other businesses alike – people won’t be able to get their orders completed quickly enough or provide good customer service if they’re not motivated!

Encourage team building activities like company outings or team lunches so that everyone feels supported by each other, recognize individual successes with rewards or recognition, provide feedback regularly, and make sure everyone has clear goals set out for themselves that they can strive towards achieving.

Abuse of Alcohol/Drugs


Employees shouldn’t be drinking alcohol while on duty, nor should they be using drugs of any kind while working. One of the usual worst-case scenarios that come out of this is that your staff drives when they’re drunk after their shift is over. This can lead to major problems if they get into an accident, and you could be liable for damages. They could also be charged with a DUI or reckless driving, which can lead to a criminal record and other legal problems. If this happens, make sure you have an experienced DUI lawyer to help you navigate the legal system and reduce your potential liability. The lawyer can also help you work out a plea deal or possible dismissal of charges if appropriate.

But to prevent all this from happening in the first place, make sure you have strict policies regarding drug use on-premises and remind people regularly about responsible consumption of alcohol if they’re allowed a drink after their shift ends (depending on local laws). Additionally, ensure that staff knows where they can find help if needed – whether it’s through counseling services offered by the company itself or through external resources like rehabilitation centers nearby, providing support systems is essential for preventing abuse of substances by employees at all times.

Bars come with their unique set of challenges when it comes to managing staff members – from ensuring everyone shows up on time all the way through ensuring there’s no abuse of substances occurring within the workplace! By being aware of these potential issues beforehand, employers will better prepare themselves for handling any situation which may arise – ultimately leading toward smoother operations overall within their business! With these tips in mind, entrepreneurs will be better equipped to run a thriving bar environment.

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