Financial Managment

money and calculator

Managing Personal Finances: Focusing on Financial Stability

Every person wants to be financially stable. However, being financially stable means being free from debt and managing one’s finances properly. In the world today, most people find it difficult to manage their finances because of all the expenses they need to attend to. Therefore, a lot of people end up accumulating debts to make […]

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bank concept

Leveraging Collateral to Secure a Business Loan and Grow Your Company

The backbone of a successful business loan is collateral. Almost every financial institution will require collateral—a piece of real estate property, car, business inventory, or personal savings—to approve a business loan. Generally, a loan offer will only make up 85% of the value of the collateral. If you are putting up $20,000 worth of assets,

Leveraging Collateral to Secure a Business Loan and Grow Your Company Continue Reading

man holding out a key

The Importance of Proper Equipment Servicing

Preventive maintenance is an important part of maintaining optimum working conditions. This minimizes the risk of unscheduled downtimes or delays in the work schedule. Underestimating the importance of proper equipment servicing will take a toll on your organization at some point in the future, and you won’t know when it would happen. Aside from preventing

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food stall

Why Placing Your Stall in Non-Traditional Spaces Improves Business

Location is significant to the profitability of any business. A strategic location that allows your customers to easily visit your franchise increases your profit. This is due to the accessibility of your stall that allows them to buy more of your products. These are places where you’ll typically reach your target market. But what if

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magazine printing

Digital Strategies and the Need for Print in Your Marketing Campaign

Digital marketing has enjoyed significant growth over the past few years. As of 2018, marketers in the United Kingdom have spent 62.6 per cent of total media ad spending on digital channels. Businesses are expected to spend more than double the amount on digital media over television and other traditional advertising. With technology taking over the advertising

Digital Strategies and the Need for Print in Your Marketing Campaign Continue Reading

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