men preparing food

Profit in Catering: How to Start Your Own Online Catering Business This Pandemic

Many traditional food businesses have closed as a result of harsh quarantine lockdowns in many states. These businesses have failed to survive due to the lack of sales. But it wasn’t entirely their fault because no one knew this would happen. Food sales have plummeted by a staggering $240 billion, and millions of people in the industry have lost their jobs. It was a devastating blow to what used to be one of the biggest industries in the world.

Those that have survived learned to adapt throughout the months. Some eventually transitioned to other kinds of business models. Family-owned businesses have chosen to close down their physical stores and opt to have their products made at home. This is common for food businesses such as bakeries. Some have also resorted to the internet to make their sales. This is common for catering services.

In case you haven’t noticed, many sales this year are primarily made on the internet. Last year alone, consumers spent more than $800 billion, resulting in a 40% growth in one year, a record growth for the industry. If you’re planning to start your own catering business, this is the best platform for your right now.

Build Your Social Media Site

As a catering business, you won’t need a website when you start. You can rely on your social media site to contact clients.

Many social media sites such as Facebook and Instagram can be great platforms for your catering company. You can find many clients on such platforms, and they can also help you out with marketing. All you need to do is post once a day. It can be a dish you have been practicing for quite some time, or it can be a new menu that you have on offer. Update your followers regarding your schedule and ensure that they know that you are still around and willing to take orders.

Your services should also accommodate the current state of the market during the pandemic. Currently, full-on catering services are still quite limited as huge events and gatherings are still not allowed. Since this is the case, it’s better if you start accepting short orders.

Offer Short Orders

Short orders are orders intended to serve a decent number of people. It’s great for smaller gatherings such as family gatherings.

Offering short orders for your online catering business is a necessity during the pandemic. Many fast-food chains and restaurants are offering this kind of service because, without short orders, they didn’t get many customers. Make sure that many of your followers know that you’re offering this kind of service. Furthermore, make sure to let your clients know what kind of dishes you have in short order and how many people it can serve.

a spread of sweets

Look For a Franchise

If you don’t want to take a big risk by entering the food industry during the pandemic, consider getting a franchise. A fast-casual restaurant franchise opportunity is always around the corner, especially when people nowadays want to start their business. These franchise opportunities can give you seminars on how you can make your franchise flourish. They will also give you the necessary equipment and training to make your franchise a success.

There are many online catering franchises out there right now. Some of them used to be well-known catering companies who have resorted to going online to keep their businesses alive. Joining these companies can give you a chance to understand the overall market. It’s also the easiest way to start without the intended hassle. So if you have the funds right now, consider looking for a franchise willing to accept you.

Establish Online Payment Options

Lastly, you’ll have to establish online payment options for your customers during this pandemic. Many of your customers will be purchasing your food and services online. Some of them might not be able to pay in person due to the pandemic. Giving online payment options to these customers can help them to pay in time.

Ultimately, online payment options will help your online catering business grow. As more consumers are looking for this kind of service, you can accommodate them easily. It will also expedite your earnings as a company.

Here are some things you should know before starting your online catering business. Catering can be a tough field in the food industry right now because of the pandemic. However, it doesn’t mean it’s impossible to succeed. There are various ways to reach out to customers this year, and one of them is through the internet. By leveraging this medium, you can increase your sales and income better than before.

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